Blood Borne Virus Services

We are coming to do a BBV testing drop in clinic on Wednesday 22rd January at Portobello practice. Testing will include Hepatits B, C and HIV. 

BBV transmission risks include:

Travel to a ‘high risk’ country

Blood transfusion pre 1996

Unprotected sex

Homemade tattoos/piercings

Previous/current substance use

Lived in prison

As part of the world health organisation Hepatitis C elimination goal we are committed to eliminating Hepatitis C in Scotland. We have regular clinics around the city but are trying to grow our reach by providing one-off drop-in clinics in different areas. 

If you want to pre-refer specific patients please just send us their name and CHI, but we are also happy to accept drop-ins on the day. 

We recommend BBV screening for anyone who identifies with one of the risks noted above, and anyone who has never had a test before. 

You can download the information leaflet in a PDF format here.